MHSRC 55+ Driver Discount Program
Burnsville Senior Center / 55+ Driver Discount Program -
Winter Spring 2025
Drivers over 55 are eligible to receive a 10% discount on their auto insurance upon completion of this program. This 4 hour program offers a learning experience for participants by providing instruction from a certified professional who uses the most up-to-date research in the field. Instructors have completed 40 hours of training and must complete a re-certification program by MHSRC every three years. Topics covered include but are not limited to: visual scanning techniques, steering techniques, anti-lock brake systems, airbag safety and new vehicle technology. Classes are held at the DEC (Diamondhead Education Center) Meeting Room. Please note there is a $10 fee for any changes on prepaid classes and no refunds if you are unable to attend a prepaid class.
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