Sideline Cheer
Youth / Sports and Recreation / Blaze Sports -
Summer 2025
Grades 7-12 for the 2025-26 school year
*This is a prerequisite for Varsity/JV Competitive Cheer and for ALL sideline athletes to continue on to the competition season (registration is in August, and season runs through February). Practices start with team placement tryouts May 27 & 28 from 4:30-7pm.
June-early October Tuesday & Thursday practices: times will be based on team placement (all athletes will make a team).
Football game schedule to be announced.
Pep fests, parades, & additional school spirit event dates will be added.
Cheerleaders are required to purchase uniform, poms, white cheer shoes and a warm up jacket (returning cheerleaders do not need to repurchase items you already have). Cost is approximately $200 if all items are needed. Links to order will be sent to registration email and orders must be placed by July 1. Additional registration required in August.
Please contact with questions.
No Class Jun 19, Jul 1 & Jul 3